Hello all!

Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading! My name's Kyra(keer-ah) and I'm excited to share new music, tips, style and anything interesting!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Room Tour!!!

Hey all you stalkers and uber-nosy readers! Inspired by blognifique's most recent post, I would like to show you guys what my room looks like and show you a day in the life of HelloKyra!!! 


 This is what you see when you first walk into my room. Check out that beautiful view of my fence! If I stand on my tippy toes, I can see even more houses!!!


Then when you turn, you see my bed and random things I've stuck onto my walls!


Here's a close up of one of the snowflakes I put on my wall.  



My room's really small and I didn't have room in . . . . my room, so I put a desk in my closet!

Here's a closeup of the shelf in my closet. 

My extensive perfume collection.


I keep all my lip glosses and lipsticks in here!


And of course, there's my dog Cookie in his usual spot on my bed. 


  1. Hmmmm, I think I shall do a room tour! I'm lovin' the fourth picture down. Very retro. :) And, as always, Cookums steals the show!

  2. haha thanks and heck yes do a room tour! ROOM TOUR ROOM TOUR!!!

  3. ye gurl, enough space to lurk in that window

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