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Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading! My name's Kyra(keer-ah) and I'm excited to share new music, tips, style and anything interesting!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to be "Hip"

Now a days, it's grown increasingly difficult to understand the conversations of America's youth. Is "sick" good or bad? Is it still hip to say "gnarly"? Will it sound retro to use the word "groovy" in sentence, or will you come off as trying too hard? Here are some happenin' phrases I have collected to immediately make you sound 10x more dopealicous.  

-"Do you need napkin? Cuz you just got served!"  
Best used after an insult, such as: "The day of your birth is an international day of mourning. . . (give a pause to let that sink in) . . .You just got served!" Note: this can be switched with "Do you want an icepack? Cuz you just got burned!" To add even more impact, try licking your finger and making a sizzling sound.  

-"Ya know what I'm sayin'?" 
No, no one will know what you're saying, but what they will know, is that you sound as cool as a cucumber!

-"Dude, dude, bro . . . bro, bro, dude, dude, bro, dude . . ." 
Just see how many times it is physically possible to say this sequence in a convo.  You will thank me.    

-"Get down with your bad self."   
If you don't understand this, there's clearly something wrong with you. 

-"I'm totally buggin . . .  gotta book."
Um hello, let's bring back 90s lingo!   

-"yo yo, wazzup my homies?"   
Um, no way will you sound like a wannabe black person. Egads, pshaw. 

Ok sillies, go out into the world and use the lingo! Have fun!


  1. 2. egads
    It is a pagan way of saying omg. It comes from the saying "ye gods", and, as everyone knows, the greek and roman gods had a way of messing with people's lives. So when you say egads, in a sense, you're saying "you fuckers," but softly.

    5. Egads
    meaning "oh shit" or something along similar lines, egads is a perfect exclamation for the hippest of hipsters.

    ...You can thank Urban Dictionary for that one, you Pagan hipster you!

  2. oh no wat hav i done?! nooooooo!!!!

  3. you screwed it up, thats what you did
