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Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading! My name's Kyra(keer-ah) and I'm excited to share new music, tips, style and anything interesting!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Why you be up in my grill?

Hey all, so for those who have already read my previous post; I knew Ryan Lochte was too perfect! So today on my usual rounds of stalking, I stumbled upon something strange! Ryan wears grills! What  is a grill? Well, behold


That's diamond encrusted people. Geez Ryan, didn't anyone tell you that was tacky? Holy flamboyancy, batman! 


You can't see it very well, but this grill has stars and stripes on it. This does not make me proud to be an American. I mean that is weird right? It's not just me? Whatever Ryan, you wear that grill, and you be proud!!! Next up, on a completely different note, is a kind of stupid, but amusing youtube video!   


"What? This is Cuh-razy! . . .  Yeah!" Alright so I admit, a lot of this has gross guy humor  (I mean, hello look at that Oishi's outfit! Sexism!), but a lot of it is soooo funny, it makes up for the annoying grossness.  
Also, here's another video, but it's really creepy so don't you know . . . I don't know. Just watch!!!   

 You better pay up, a girl's gotta eat, el cheapo! And to add to that creepiness, here's a picture I took last night.   


Ooooh, spooooky! Ok, well bye, bye!


  1. Oh I know! He wanted to wear that grill to show "pride for his country," but the cranky old people on the Olympic committee wouldn't let him. I agree though, TACKY!

  2. Hahaha. "No one must know my turrrrrible secret." Sounds like something you would say.

    Cool picture, yo!

    1. Hahaha thanks Paigey. "Jumping Justin Biebers you're QUICK!"

    2. Oh and BT dubs the "gay kid" is the "gay kid" from Ugly Betty!
