Wow. It's been a while hasn't it? A craaaazy long while. Hmmmmm... why you ask? Was I in rehab? Did I go to jail for killing someone with a baguette? Did I steal a gold-dipped toilet paper roll from the queen's palace? Hmmmm... maybe.
Ha, well actually I just turned into a fat squirrel so I couldn't type. Duh.
So, what's been up with your homegurl lately? It's summer,so school's out forever baby. Only...not really. I am starting Community College next semester,which I cannot even BEGIN to describe how NOT excited I am about. Ugh, why do I have to go back to school when I have just escaped?
Other than the whole school thing, which I usually hate so nothing new there, I decided to do a "favorites blog post" so that you can learn some things about what I like nowadays!
Sooooo without further ado, and before you poop your pants from excitement, here comes ma list of things that I've been really liking!
1.) The Craft (It's on Netflix check it out!)
The Craft is a movie about witches. In the beginning, everything's all fun: yayyy witchy goodness. But then some of them start killing people. And each other. It's scary, suspenseful, and it's sort of like a creepy version of Mean Girls. Like imagine your frenemy is being a huge beyotch, but instead of you know, throwing shade behind her back, you throw a freaking desk at her using your mind.
By the way, I would watch this movie for fashion inspiration alone. I mean hello...
All hail these girls 1996, crazy-ass glory.
2.) Gone With the Wind
Gone With the Wind is my favorite book of all time. This book has made me cry, has made me yell at the page, and has made me laugh out loud. Seriously guys, this book has made me actually care about the Civil War. When I found out that the Confederate army was retreating closer to Atlanta I was like NOOOOOOOOOO! *throw book at wall* It's seriously... just that good. Read it.
3.) Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra Tea
I don't know how this happened... or why... but my sleep schedule is mad messed up. I go to bed at 3 in the morning and wake up at 12 in the afternoon and I always feel super unproductive. I'm pretty sure I have a you tube addiction, because that's all I do at night. So my suggestion is if you have problems sleeping, you should drink this tea. It really helps and makes me pass out.
4.) Mochi

Mochi is a delicious Japanese dessert that's ice-cream covered in rice cake. Yummyyy. They sell them at Von's, but you can find my favorite flavor, Mango, and your local Trader Joe's.
6.) Revlon PhotoReady 3D Volume Mascara
I've been looking for a good waterproof mascara for years. If I liked a mascara, it would always flake off my lashes and make me look like a panda by the end of the day. Yikes. But Finally. FINALLY I have found a mascara that actually stays. I can put this stuff on my bottom lashes. I can wear this on super hot days when I know I'm going to sweat because it won't budge at all. You go mascara technology we have come so far!!!
And that is all I've been loving so far! Bye bye!